Wednesday 27 June 2007

9.00 Into ECON. We have votes at 9.30 My bank accounts opinion is scheduled last and I try to get it moved to the front because I am concerned I may not get away in time to get to the session I am chairing at the stock exchanges conference. Anyway, they will not move it. Voting takes ages. We seem to be holding the balance in everything and a lot of the votes are tight. The EPP do not seem to like some aspects of my opinion and vote against, but as they did not take part in the discussions or put in any amendments I do not know what their problem is. My opinion does not seem greatly at variance with the EPP report in JURI that we discussed, very briefly, on Monday. Anyway the Socialists vote with me so it all goes through.

10.45 I finally get away and head for the Conrad for the conference. Traffic is terrible and Carol is texting and phoning as they are getting worried. No real problem and I get there in time to chat to the people on the panel that I am chairing on governance. Anyway, all goes well, and I introduce into the discussion whether there is more market abuse by hedge funds than other investments, as some allege. My shoe breaks at the end of lunch so lop-sided walk to get the Metro back. Fortunately my flat en route for shoe change.

15.00 Plenary session with report back from Chancellor Merkel, or rather as she is for a few days yet, President in Office (of Council). Some good speech points made by various contributors. Graham Watson performs well and Poettering thanks him for his ‘remarkable’ speech.

17.00 Back to the office and some work on amendments for the van den Burgh report which I send to others in the Group.

19.00 Leave, early again(!). Unfortunately no live play at Wimbledon.