Friday 15 June 2007

Lisbon - Solicitors and Advocates

9.30 We set off for a meeting with the association of solicitors. They are not the same as UK solicitors in that they have fewer powers and barristers (or advocates) can do everything. However in 2003 solicitors here were also allowed to become enforcement officers. This could give them useful insight into the proposals for attachments of bank accounts so I ask them about this, and also class actions and whether there is a size limit to matters than can be handled via mediation.

11.00 A meeting with the chair of the advocates association. This covers many of the same topics again, but getting at more detail and is useful for future contacts.

13.30 Ursa (our ALDE administrator on JURI) and I take a city tour bus as my flight back is not until this evening and she is staying until Sunday. I have to get back to the UK as I have to go to Witney (Carterton) on Sunday to help with a local by election.