Monday 2 July 2007

A day of meetings

10.00 Off to Heathrow. Flight delayed. Arrive at my office around 3.30. Edith is there going through Eurostar petition things with Carol. We are presenting this at Downing Street on Friday Morning. I also have a work experience student, Alan, in my office this week. He has red hair too – seems the trade mark of my office.

17.00 A delegation from the European Committee for Interoperable Standards arrive, billed as discussing the anti-trust complaint about Microsoft. However I am more interested in dealing with interoperability away from hard cases, so we end up having a wide ranging discussion.

18.30 Reception for a policy working group from the Lib Dems. Useful networking and exchange of information. I have a formal session with them tomorrow so I am not going to the dinner tonight and I can read up on alternative dispute resolution ready for tomorrow morning.