Wednesday 13 December 2006

A narrow victory!

9.00 Meet with UKREP on REACH. Visit really just for the new guy (Andrew Empson) on this portfolio to introduce himself. I tell him the Lib Dems all voting for the compromise packet.

10.00 Meet with Diana to discuss various issues and agree we will do a joint email on the voting for vice presidents.

12.00 Votes. REACH and Audio visual media. We win on my 30 minutes amendment by 1 vote!!

13.00 Back to the office to pack trunk as I have to leave later today. Check through compromise proposals on oil prices. Some are OK, hedge fund and speculation bit no good. I compose a new compromise and make copies to take to the meeting.

15.45 Meeting with Rapporteur and shadows on oil prices. In general they like my new compromise, but not everyone there. However we get close to consensus on most things.

16.30 Leave for airport. This is unusual, but I have to be in Brussels tomorrow for the ELDR Leader’s meeting because I am a vice-president of the ELDR Party. Means I miss the Xmas Party, again.